The Alchemist

What does an Alchemist do?

As you proceed to ponder on this, I will state that we (TOFA book club) did not find the title to encompass the story very suitably. It fails to capture the main character and the core events that take place throughout the book. You can suggest your preferred book title in the comment section.

Santiago is the lad who loves traveling and has vivid incessant dreams about the treasure he must seek. This quest leads him to give up his sheep and travel away from the fields he grazes his flock and the merchant’s daughter he is obsessed about.

Through the pages, we travel with Santiago and encounter new characters, adventures and. We witness his character growth immediately after consulting his stones in the market. This shepherd boy who works for a crystal seller who is allergic to change and dreams of actualization. In the months that unfold here, you see the power of focus, saving, and expanding a business.

The belief in omens, signs, and that every activity in life has been written already, what the book calls ‘Maktub’ is a concept the book propagates continuously. Life is one interconnected chain of events written by a single hand. The boy, in a rather extraordinary display, seeks the help of the wind and the sun to have a talk with this writer. Perhaps it is written that you will read this and join our community of readers, don’t fight it, it is meant to be!

We cannot forget the concept of love that is clearly showcased in this book. Do you believe in love at first sight? Believe it or not, after Santiago spends years as an untethered soul thinking of the merchant’s daughter who makes him want to take root in the predictable normalcy of her days, he ends up falling in love in minutes with a desert woman he wishes to marry after his treasure quest.

Paulo Coelho refers to the Bible, Koran, Allah, and God interchangeably showing that different religions can lead to spiritual awakening. Supreme beings communicate with people through dreams. It is up to you to find those dreams in the waking world with unshakable faith. Fear is temporary and should not be an excuse to stop you from dreaming. There are no gypsies to interpret dreams so seek mentors to guide you through that which you have been summoned to do.

Today I will suggest you read more or further on Paulo Coelho’s works.

Written By Wanjiru Njeri


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